how it works
1. "Iris scanning" actually involves no scanning at all -- a digital video camera captures and image of the eye
and registers patterns found in each person's iris. Experts say irises are even more unique than snowflakes -- the probability
of two identical snowflakes falling to Earth in one year is estimated at one in 10 to the 23rd power. The probability of two
identical irises is one in 10 to the 78th power.
2. Once the images is recorded, it's stored on a hard drive, much like a digital photo. In most cases, the saved image
is good for the life of the subject, as irises don't change after a person's first birthday.
3. When a person scans his or her eye to enter a building, a similar video camera compares the image to those in the school's
database. The process takes about two seconds.
Source: LG Electronics
(exact taken from
Site to iris scanning
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